Summoned by Anna Fairclough and Dan Coffey to an empty office in CIty Hall late yesterday, Assembly staffers Elvi-Gray-Jackson and Mike Guiterrez were abruptly fired. No reason was given for the action except a proposed "reorganization" plan hatched by Fairclough and Coffey only one week ago; neither the plan nor the staff reductions necessary to carry out the plan were ever approved by the Assembly. Gray-Jackson's last day of work is today; Guiterrez will stay on the job for seveeral weeks. Both are now looking for work.
Firing of one half of the small Assembly staff office, including Gray Jackson who has worked for the City for more than 23 years, shocked several Assembly members. Allan Tesche described the move as "mean spirited and illegal"; A stunned Dick Traini noted Fairclough's promises on August 31 to obtain the Assembly's approval before any employees are forced to turn in their keys and leave the building. According to Traini, reorganization of Assembly staff functions requires passage of an ordinance which has not yet been drafted. Tesche said the municipal code does not give Assembly leaders the right to fire Assembly employees without prior approval of the Assembly; that approval has not been requested or given.
A recap of the Wednesday, August 31 special meeting when Fairclough first mentioned her plan to close the Assembly office and to reassign remaining employees to the City Clerk appears immediately below.